Whyalla Amateur Radio Club Inc.
Operating since 1979
The Club meets on the last Wednesday of the month.
Steel City Drag Club
McBryde Terrace, Whyalla
Web Pages Updated: 16 Nov, 2024
Web Page Support by VK5BD
What's New:
See Adverts in Ham Ads
In Members' Pages
Planning Legislation w.r.t.
AR towers in Member's Page
Use of Microphones in when driving
Total Visitors: | ||
Date 31 Oct,2024 16 Nov,2024 21 Dec, 2024 | Hits/Countries 1074/24 1098/25 1112/25 |
The Whyalla Amateur Radio Club Inc (W.A.R.C.) - VK5BWR. The Club provides a meeting place for people who share an interest in Amateur Radio communications and to encourage and help those interested in obtaining an Amateur Radio Operator's Licence. W.A.R.C. actively promotes amateur radio. W.A.R.C. have ACMA/WIA Exam Service accredited assessors to provide a service for examinations in Whyalla, Port Augusta and Port Pirie. Meetings The club opens at 7:00pm and the meeting starts at about 7.30pm on the last Wednesday of the month in the club rooms of the Steel City Drag Club on McBryde Terrace. Opposite Gebhardt Street. Anyone with an interest in amateur radio is welcome to come along. You will be more than welcome. Club Activities & Events The club also conducts a regular on-air and ZOOM net on the first and third Wednesday of the month. The net starts at 8pm on the Port Pirie VK5RMN 2 meter repeater 146.700MHz The 2m Net meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month and on ZOOM on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. (ZOOM details are available from the Club Seretary - email: jgroffen1@duck.com) A Club social night is held every 2nd Wednesday of the month commencing at 7:00pm. Visitors are very welcome. The purpose of the net is to allow members - local and remote - to contact each other via amateur radio communications from the City of Whyalla and to maintain contact with all possible participants. Although the net is based in Whyalla, all amateurs are welcome and encouraged to check in and participate. If you are listening to our net - but we can't hear you due to the conditions or you are only rx and not tx - we encourage and ask you to email us please. Club members are also active on Amateur Television with evening sessions from 7:00pm local time, 7 days/week on 445.500MHz. Whyalla Amateur Radio Club Inc, |

Roger Jordan VK5YYY
Roger Jordan VK5YYY
John Groffen
Email : jgroffen1@duck.com
John Groffen
Email : jgroffen1@duck.com
Club Contact Details
Whyalla Amateur Radio Club Inc.
c/- 185 Lacey Street
Whyalla Playford South Australia 5600